Attended an event at AMK hub with some bloggers last Friday!
When i reached, Mae & Esther were like "Try the cookies! Try the cookies!!" and well i did....AND I COULDN'T STOP. I just kept eating and eating. -.- And my mind was all food, food, food. Thank the organizers for providing some finger food~~~ I AM SO GREEDY LAH. Cannot stand myself.
I tell nowadays are SO SMART. I was so impressed. The things they came up with.....GENIUS.
We had to place our votes for the Junior and Senior team...
For the Junior team, i voted for Nanyang Girls' High School - Smart Control against Drinking Under Influence.
Figured i would need it when i start driving (ok i dont even know if getting my license is possible motivation pfft)!!
The The Smart Control System against DUI, which can be installed in cars to prevent drivers from driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol.
How it works: Watch here - It shows how it works, tests alcohol, how circuit to the car engine will be interrupted, and what happens if a “false alarm” is triggered by a dysfunctional system. Technology involved: Breathalyzer, Wireless Sensor System, Wireless Sensor Control Circuit, Auto-generated SMS Platform, SMS Decoder
Our idea & “the future of mobility”: System can be installed on cars to prevent DUI. It also involves the use of mobile phones and other wireless signal equipment which are another form of mobility. Designed against DUI to contribute to the future of mobility, which is not just convenient, but safe.
Significance of our idea: A survey conducted by among 4,538 people showed that while 81.29% of the surveyees were aware of the dangers of DUI, only 20.63% indicated that they have never drunk-driven. With the increasing social activities, more people are drinking & driving.
Our system emerges against this backdrop to prevent people from becoming victims of DUI.The system is convenient as it can be installed into the car and the user does not need to buy a new car. Families can install this system for their loved ones to ensure their safety. The government can also make it compulsory for every car-owner or for those who have history of DUI.
For the Senior category, i picked...

It's really really's like WII but instead of one controller, u put on something on ur fingers....ok im so bad at explaining so here's the detailed description of their idea!
Finger-tip-sized cursor controllers, meant for the use of one hand. The intensive use of nanotechnology enables it to be equipped with motion sensing to control the mouse cursor.Supporting multi-touch, fisor makes everyday works easier, especially during presentation. It does not require any surface to function unlike the mouse. It offers real convenience anywhere you go.
Finger Sensor (Controller): Motion sensing: detect fingers’ motion; Touch sensing: click by letting the bottom part of index finger’s and thumb’s fisor touch each other; Infrared sensor: enable the Data Bar to locate fisor; EaglePicher Medical Power; Bluetooth: transmit date from fisor to the Data Bar, Ultraslim design
Bluetooth receiver: receive data from fisor and send it to computer via USB connection; Infrared transmitter: locate fisor; USB connection
The Fisor portable thumbdrive: Equipped with fisor installer (For all OS)
Presentation: Present effectively and conveniently as you can control your laptop cursor from anywhere within the sensor range. No need for surface with airborne fisor, therefore you can stick to the pad below the keyboard to move the cursor.
Gaming: Gamers can pick weapons and aim at the enemy accurately. It can also be used to control augmented reality, which application can be used for puppet master or conductor practice.
Medical: Fisor can enable doctors and undergraduates to simulate operation by moving their hands to pick up the necessary tools.
There were a lot of cool booths!
This is my 2nd pick for the senior category,
Raffles Institution - Buddy
Currently, the internet is getting ever smarter and knowing more about us through our past searches and preferences. However, have you ever wondered if the internet would do more than that? Could the internet provide us with our hearts desires at the snap of a finger? We think it can. We are thinking of a system, we call buddy, that will be able to use a users emotions and moods to act as a source of input for search engines, shopping or even smses. This emotional input will be gathered by the vocal tones, facial expressions and pulse rates of the users. For example, the facial muscles of different emotions are recognizable with face recognition technology, and an angry person would have a harsher tone during conversation. Our team believes that emotions play a huge role in every persons social life and buddy will take social networking to the next level.
Buddy can modify its Internet searches to be more suited for the user’s mood. For instance, if one is depressed and wants some entertainment, Buddy would not return sad movies like Titanic, but might suggest comedies and upbeat songs to cheer one up.
When sending text messages to friends, Buddy can display your feelings along with the message. This could make messages more personalized and increase their human touch.
By observing a student’s emotions in different periods of time, Buddy could find him an optimum studying schedule. Buddy can then connect friends with similar studying schedules, enabling them to study more productively together.
Buddy allows one to create groups and check the mood of every group member. This could let leaders increase the productivity of group meetings, by ensuring that everyone is emotionally stable before holding them.
Buddy will include FeedMe, a feature that chooses the canteen food that suits the student’s mood and diet best in school. Data like nutritional information and availability will be uploaded by stallholders to the Internet. FeedMe will then use this data to match the student’s current mood and diet to release a selection of well-picked canteen food.
By tracking data like one’s emotions over time and preferred forms of entertainment, Buddy will learn much about the user and bring social networking to an entirely new level. This data can help Buddy find people with similar interests to the user and forge new friendships or strengthen existing ones. One might even be able to find his/her soulmate.
Overall, buddy will be a revolutionary system that will redefine the web as we know of it. With mood/emotion based applications, the world would probably be a happier place.
K then it was prize presentation time...
The teams i voted for won. BOTH JUNIOR AND SENIOR CATEGORY. Oh boy am i good... ;) hahahaha.
And lastly, a performance by Jack & Rai. Their cover of Use Somebody is pretty damn good. :)