
Monday, October 21, 2013


If you don't have Instagram or you're not following me, here are some pictures taken the past few days! :)

 LaVitaAlta event with Donna and Kimmy

 Tokyo Bananas for me!!! From baby sis!

 The day i finally got well and manage to gobble down food in seconds. Gained all the weight i lost back in no time hahaha.

Some random pic i took while waiting for my flight back to SG. I really love my double eyelids when it's swollen hahaha. Also, a pic to remind me of how i look now....before i do some major changes. Hehe.
Awesome dinner at Jaan!! Not cheap at all though but a good experience dining with such a beautiful view. :) Thankful!

SquidInk Rice! Something new to me! This was at a restaurant called KILO. It's pretty difficult to find your way there but food's good!
Thursday night with Kimmy and Daryl~~~ Love random nights like that. Always fun haha.
 A lil birthday treat for myself~ which i've been wearing a lot cus i am in looooove w it.

 Dining at Jaan and camwhoring cus well, you have to do a lot of waiting when having fine dining. It's like i got full eating air while waiting hahaha.

Friday night's face before the party.


Korea tomorrow for my surgery! Oh man, it's so fast! I'm still kinda unprepared but but but I'M EXCITED. 

I am kinda afraid of swelling and walking around with a big fat pig face though....hahaha. I think i'll enjoy Korea though! The weather's really nice now! And my friends cannot stop giving me places to go. 

Will update this space as much as possible when i'm there! Hopefully snap some nice pictures on Instagram too. :)