
Friday, April 22, 2016

Tattoo Removal 5

I have received TONS of emails regarding my tattoo removal progress...

It has been an extremely long and torturous journey and it could've been shorter if i just went for the treatments every month but i really dreaded the pain...

To date, i have 9 sessions in all done at 2 places, namely, Trinity Medical Centre and National Skin Centre.

Currently, most of the black have lightened however the colors are VERY stubborn and difficult to get rid of. :(

So here are some pictures of it after 9 sessions (mostly targeting the black ink - 6 sessions)

And here's the before picture for comparison...

All i can say is, if you regret a tattoo, laser removal is not going to be as easy as you think...especially if it is a colorful tattoo. I have friends who had no problem with black tattoos! So yeah, if your is all black it should be quite easy! But still, removal is not going to be 100% clear!

I will be going for Session 10 next week, after session 10, 90% of the black ink should be gone! Then i'll be left with the colorful ink. Not too sure how many sessions ill need but I'm already half way there so...hanging on and staying positive! Not expecting it to be extremely clear but ill be happy if a little bit of foundation + concealer can cover it, it's all good for me.

Details of the clinics i go to...

National Skin Centre
Address: 1 Mandalay Road Singapore 308205
Phone: 6253 4455

Trinity Medical Centre
(Dr Lim)
Address: 87, Marine Parade Central
#02-500A, Singapore 440087