
Monday, January 20, 2014

Work and Relax

Recently bought a new camera, the Sony NEX-3N! I've heard great things about it from Donna and decided to get it and i'm loving it! Absolutely in love with the image quality.

So recently i mentioned i haven't been out much. However, i've been visiting the boy's other apartment pretty often for swims. And to getaway from noise and people because it's such a quiet place, so nice to sit here at the sofa to do my work. It's like a stay cation....only not at a hotel but the bf's place. He doesn't even come here so this is really a great place to be to get some alone quiet time. Hehe.

This is also i place i do all the domestic chores. Like a cleaning training centre for me. Which i enjoy a lot. Everytime i'm here i see myself wiping all the glass, mirrors and tables followed by dancing with a mop. 

Ok now my cam-whore shots from today....

Haven't been to the gym in awhile so my body is not in the best shape but i've been swimming quite a bit so it's not too bad lah. I never really did swimming as cardio but i tried doing it thrice this week and it's pretty good! Only a 30 min swim and my legs and arms felt jelly.

Trying to do more cardio this week before CNY cus i am prepared to EAT LIKE A PIG. Hahaha. I'm horrible lor...always exercise just so i can eat more. :X 

K that's all for today, bye!